Yes, as you see, I am still not too good with keeping up with this blog thing.
There is too much to keep up with, facebook, email, faxes,text messaging, phonecalls, twitter, myspace...just too much social communites to keep up with.. lol.
I promise to be better at this, (for you Sean! )..hehe..
Ok, so whats new?
1. Mexico Cruise coming up, May 24-May28th. Funny thing is that we are not stopping in Mexico, due to the Swine flu/drug war. We are making a stop into Catalina though, so that should be fun. So the cruise should be called the Catalina cruise?
2.Everoyone I know seems to be pregnant or just had a baby..Baby boom?? Yeah my husband and I get the pressure, but we will be ready when we are ready. Dont worry you will know!!! Let me tell you the most annoying thing that Persian women like to do.
Example: I was at a baby shower, and like 3 different persian woman come up to me, put their hand on my stomach, and say" Vhen you having baby?m vhat is going on?..you are getting too old, so hurry up, ". My thoughts or what I wanted to say out loud was ' Hey Lady, stop touching my stomach as I dont like being touched there. Also can you please enjoy the girl who is pregnant at the current baby shower you are at??!!!!". Yeh then one time some lady said " are you pregnant??". Of course getting all self concious thikning I was fat, and I said "no, dont worry you will know when I am". What I wanted to say is " really??? thanks for telling me, and I had no idea!!!". Yeah persian women, got to love them, but hate them at the same time! haha
3. I have not seen any of the movies out right now!! Here are the movies I want to watch : Star Trek, Angels and Deamons, Transformers, Terminator (watching it this saturday night! yay), Wolverine, The Soloist, Land of the Lost, and Public Enemies. Just looked at movies coming in the future, and I was surprised abuot the following: Pirates of the Caribbean 4, Spiderman 4 (wasnt the the last one horrible???), and Jurassic Park 4.
4. My nephew is talking so much now. He is little person talking in full sentences. He is such a sweet kid, and I love when he gets so excited when he sees me. he says "NeeNee, (thats what he calls me)!!! NEENEE!!!". He is visiting right now, and so happy to spend time with him. I also love how he is with Duke (our dog). They love each other so much!!
5. I want to buy a Baseball glove and ball, so I can play catch with my husband. yeah is that random?? Yeah I love playing baseball, its so much fun!!
Good post, keep it up. Can't wait for the cruise and all those movies will be a lot of fun to watch. We better load up on passes from Costco!
how many cruises do you guys go on? You love the cruise ships huh? Thats fun, hope you guys have a good time!
We have only gone on three...but yes we have taken on recently, in September for my birthday. yes we love cruises, and its really affordable mini vacation, which I need!!!
Hey, thanks for reading my blogs!! :)
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